Map & Public Transport

Find directions to London Family Farm Day with this map:

View London Heritage Farm in a larger map

If you are taking the public transport from Vancouver to London Family Farm Day at London Heritage Farm on 6511 Dyke Road, Richmond, here are the suggested routes:

Departing from Vancouver:
  1. Take any bus route that connects to Skytrain Canada Line
  2. Take the Skytrain Canada Line southbound to Richmond - Brighouse Station (last station in Richmond)
  3. Connect and take bus Route 402 Southbound in Richmond - Brighouse Exchange Terminal at Cook Road.  
  4. Get off bus at westbound Moncton St. FS. No. 2 Road.  (first station after turning into westbound Moncton St.)
  5. Find No. 2 Road and walk southbound to reach London Road.  Left turn into London Road and then right turn into Dyke Road.  Walk southbound and then eastbound along Dyke Road.  London Heritage Farm is on the left hand side facing the waterfront front. (est. 19 mins)
Below are the maps (click image to enlarge or download) showing the suggested routes and with breakdown of the public transport routes and walking routes.